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Injury Prevention Class for Dancers

This class will be taught by Billy Jo, a certified instructor at Function Thru Fitness, former dancer and current dance teacher. 

July 11 th - August 18 th

Highly Recommended for Shooting and Shining Troupes

Optional Class for Others 12+


$180 For 6 week Session~ Once per Week

Class Times
Tuesday 2-3 pm 


Wednesday 2-3 pm 


Thursday 1:30-2:30 pm 

We need at least 10 in a class or classes will be combined.

To Register for the Introduction Class and the 6 week


Call: 920-338-0238 or email:
Classes are limited to 15 per class so sign up now!

Description of Class

Many dancers develop repetitive stress injuries or muscle pulls/strains due to some common muscle
imbalances that develop over time from dancing. Addressing these imbalances can help prevent and
minimize injury that may keep a dancer from performing during the season.
Some of the more common injuries seen are knee, hip, foot/ankle, and low back issues.
Class Description
* This class will consist of addressing common muscle imbalances that many dancers suffer from
through functional flexibility/strength training.
* Each class will be approximately 50-55min and consist of:
~Functional flexibility 
*Specific myofascial release techniques (for common tight/overused muscle groups) 
*Active stretching (A technique used to warmup a muscle while it is taken through its full   
range of motion)
*Passive stretching
~Balance/Stability Training
~Core Strength
~Hip/leg Strength 
* The goal of the class is to teach each dancer specific strengthening and flexibility exercises which
will help to decrease muscle imbalances that can commonly lead to injury. These exercises
should be done on a regular basis (even after the 6 week class is over) in order to see benefit.
* Foam roller (used in myofascial release part of the class to treat tight muscles and trigger points).
If you have one feel free to bring it.  If you do not have one Function Thru Fitness has collapsible
travel rollers for sale that fit nicely in your dance bag.  
* The rollers retail for $69.95. Function Thru Fitness will be selling these at a discounted price of
Visit our website ( for any additional information on our services,

links to our YouTube videos and contact information.
Function Thru Fitness Personal Training, Inc.
1255 S Monroe Ave. Suite #102
Green Bay, WI 54301

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